Matt Gleason

Logo Designs – a Few New Ones

Logo Designs – a Few New Ones

As I was struggling with what I might name a design studio that I might open, I ended up doing what I usually do and that’s going full right brain dominant.

Before that, though, I was thinking about some rules that I learned in my design classes at The Art Institute:

  • A logo should be clean, simple and easily recognizable
  • A logo should be scalable and should look good when viewed large or small
  • A logo should have flat, minimal color and should work well in color and in black and white.
  • Use gradations either not at all or very sparingly

Of course, these rules were taught to me before the web came into existence. Logos then were primarily utilized on print media, stationery, business cards etc.

Still, it’s interesting to note that most of what are considered to be the best designs follow the above principles, even on the web.

So, I imagined that I might use “Gleason Design” as a name and started with a block lettering sort of design:

I was looking at an Advil caplet at the time and thought … here’s a design pill you could take :). I ended up with an iteration resembling a Tylenol caplet (blue & red) but put this concept aside to try another.

Next, I thought about compressing the letters into a circle like this:

I like it and might pursue it a little more. I was beginning to resemble an automobile logo so I put this one aside too.

Next, I was thinking about reducing letters into shapes and came up with these:

The fact that they look a bit like opera glasses was unintentional.. but not bad as a metaphor for looking at things through my own personal lens.

Continuing the curvy letter thing with various knockouts etc I abandoned this one, it looks like cheese puffs:

Being a fan of Art Deco, it occurred to me that maybe I should try something Deco-ish:

Ultimately, I decided that I’m probably not going to utilize the “Gleason Design” moniker so now I’m working on something new.

The point is, these things take multiple iterations and sometimes a LOT of time to noodle through concepts and try them out.



Posted by Matt
on September 26, 2024
Matt Gleason